Jun 30


June 30, 2023 - one year ago

What’s up players?!! Did you know that social basketball is played in almost all of Urban Rec’s locations around Australia? If you're keen on having a ripper time on the court and shooting hoops with your mates, then social basketball is where it's at! Whether you're a seasoned baller or just starting out, we've got a few tips to help you make the most of your game and avoid any rookie mistakes. Grab your sneakers and let's get into it!

First things first, it's all about teamwork. Our basketball leagues are more about having fun rather than winning championships (okay okay we know winning is awesome but having fun is actually better!). Make sure you communicate with your team and play off each other's strengths. 

Now, let's talk about defense! Playing solid D can make a huge difference in the game. Get in your opponent's face, use your wingspan, and don't be afraid to get a bit physical. Just don't go overboard and commit any fouls that'll earn you a trip to the bench! Keep it friendly and have a laugh along the way.

When it comes to shooting, practice makes perfect!. Hit up the local court or your backyard and work on your jump shot. Get your aim right, focus on your form, and don't forget to follow through with that flick of the wrist! If you miss a shot, no worries, mate. Keep your chin up and hustle for the rebound. There's always another opportunity to sink that three-pointer!

Another thing to keep in mind is fitness. Basketball can be a real cardio workout, so make sure you're in decent nick so you don’t let your teammates down. Run some laps, do some sprints, and get those lungs pumping. Don't forget to stretch before and after the game to avoid any injuries. The last thing you want to do is pull out of your game! That ain’t fun.

Lastly, don't be a ball hog. Sharing is caring, and in social basketball, everyone deserves a fair go. Pass the ball, involve your teammates, and make sure everyone gets their fair share of play time. Remember, the more everyone gets involved, the more fun it'll be for everyone!

So there you have it, there’s a few handy tips to keep in mind for your social basketball sessions. Play hard, have a laugh, and enjoy the banter with your mates. Just remember, it's not all about the scoreboard, but about the good times you'll have both on and off the court. Now go out there, give it a red-hot crack, and may the basketball gods be on your side!

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Jun 29


June 29, 2023 - one year ago

Did you know that you burn an estimate of 449 calories in a 45 minute netball game? That is equivalent to 4 Gin and Tonics or 2 chocolate bars!

Netball is an epic sport that can help with a common new year's resolution almost all of us have. Do you have any guesses as to what we’re referring to? It’s weightloss! Netball is fast-paced as the nature of the game involves constant running, jumping, and changes in direction. You’re going to start working up a sweat within 5 minutes of playing and while you’re catching your breath, don’t give up just yet. Be sure to remember that playing netball helps to increase cardiovascular fitness, burn fat, and improve muscle tone. 

We mentioned that running and jumping are a part of netball but how does someone actually lose weight while playing netball? The thing is, you need to move quickly and efficiently using a combination of strength, agility, and coordination to outmaneuver opponents and score points. The intensity of the game means that players can burn a significant number of calories in a relatively short amount of time, making netball a great option for those looking to lose weight. Playing for a short time and burning a lot of calories sounds like a dream come true really! 

While netball is super great for weight loss, it is also a social sport that can help to improve mental wellbeing. Joining a netball team can provide a sense of camaraderie and belonging, as well as the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. This social aspect can be particularly beneficial for those who may be struggling with weight loss and looking for support and encouragement from others. Playing netball can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be a common trigger for overeating or unhealthy food choices.

Here at Urban Rec, we love to support our community in achieving their goals. Whether it’s about trying to lose weight, learning a new sport, making new friends or all three and much more! Netball is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels which is what Urban rec is all about! Urban Rec provides a sustainable and enjoyable way to incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle, leading to long-term weight loss and improved overall health.

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Jun 29


June 29, 2023 - one year ago

Hey legends! We’re always saying Urban Rec is more than sports but do you know why? There’s a reason why you’re reading our blog so we think you already know the answer to that question. We’d love to let you know how freaking amazing sport is for your social skills. Here's the lowdown on how getting in the game can level up your social game:

  1. Teamwork makes the dream work: Playing sports with a team teaches you how to work together towards a common goal. You gotta communicate, coordinate, and trust your teammates. This helps you develop awesome teamwork skills that transfer to real-life situations like group projects or even just hanging out with your crew.

  2. Making friends: Sports are a bloody awesome way to meet new people and make friends. Whether you're joining a team or just playing casually, you're bound to meet fellow sports enthusiasts who share your passion. You share the highs, the lows, and the bloody awesome moments, which creates a bond that's stronger than a crocodile's grip.

  3. Winning and losing gracefully: Sports teach you how to handle victories and defeats. You gotta learn to celebrate the wins without being a sore winner and accept losses without throwing a major tantrum. This helps you develop sportsmanship and resilience, which are key qualities for handling setbacks in life with a positive attitude.

  4. Communication on fleek: When you're in the game, communication is key, ya hear us? You’ve got to shout out plays, call for passes, and support your teammates. Effective communication on the field translates to real-life situations, where you gotta express yourself clearly, listen actively, and understand others. It's like leveling up your social interaction skills! A win-win!

  5. Respect all around: Sports teach you to respect your opponents, teammates, and officials. You learn to play fair, follow the rules, and treat everyone with respect, regardless of their skills or background. This respect carries over into your everyday life, making you a bloody legend to be around.

So, there you have it, mate! Sports give you the chance to develop killer social skills and that’s one of the things we love about Urban Rec. It’s more than sport. You practice teamwork, making friends, handling wins and losses, communication, and respect. Get out there, play hard, and watch your social game level up to epic awesomeness!

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June 22, 2023 - one year ago

This Naidoc week Urban Rec asked artist, Urban Rec Member and proud proud Ngunnawal, Bundjalung and Kamilaroi woman Shaenice Miles to create an artwork that represents our community. Shaenice wanted to create something to represent the amazing community Urban Rec creates. We are so excited and proud to have something that represents us so well.


This Naidoc week we will be selling a limited edition (80 only) Narragunnawali shirts with all proceeds going to National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy, who use sport and mentoring to engage young people, build self esteem and enable a strong sense of autonomy through personal development. You can find out more about the amazing work NASCA is doing or donate directly here.

Get the squad together and get a new kit or just get yourself some epic swag while helping an amazing organisation. Pre-order your shirt here. There’s only 80 and its first in, best dressed. Shirts are $35 with all proceeds going to NASCA.


Narragunnawali (English Translation Coming Together)
The Artwork I wanted to create was something to represent the amazing community Urban Rec creates and will create. Each component of the artwork – the middle bit is a meeting circle with each of the community members coming together to play sports. There are footprints representing the different journeys and diverse backgrounds we all come from. The different meeting circles at the bottom is all cultures coming together to represent Reconciliation. The dots is to represent all the sports and sporting levels each individual brings. The blue, orange and yellow bit represents everyone coming together during different seasons and times throughout the year.


My name is Shaenice Miles, and I am a proud Ngunnawal, Bundjalung and Kamilaroi woman. I have grown up in Canberra and have been amongst the Urban Rec community playing social basketball. The one thing I love about Urban Rec is the social community, and friends you get to connect with.


This Naidoc week Urban Rec is coming together with our community doing the following to celebrate the first nations people of this wonderful country we call home.

  • We’ve partnered with artist proud Ngunnawal, Bundjalung and Kamilaroi woman Shaenice Miles to create Narragunnawali a design that represents our community.
  • We’ve created a limited edition shirt using the design which we are selling with all proceeds going to the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy.
  • We’ve changed all of our sports locations to include the (land) that they are located on.
  • We’re adding an acknowledgement to country into our League Managers first day on ground team welcomes with the help of indigenous leaders.

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